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Take a look at our interactive map (made with Google MyMaps)! It includes all the scholars, research centers, and community organizations who are members of the network.
The Network Database consists of scholars, institutions, and activists working in areas of transitional justice in the Midwestern* U.S. The goal of the Network is to centralize regional expertise on transitional justice and build communications with regular updates on regional events and publications. Through the Network, we aim to instantiate academic-community partnerships.
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Our main goal is to form a collaborative network to connect participants. This website and our email newsletters (sign up for them here) will serve as a hub of the network and will become a means of sharing information on local, national, and global approaches to transitional justice as well as regional work on these questions.
A regional workshop via Zoom on October 22, 2022, hosted by the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign will connect the participants in the regional network. The workshop will focus on efforts to increase the visibility of transitional justice tools; expand outreach to community organizations and local and state governments; and build and sustain the network that will include multi-institutional grant proposals.
*Our definition of "Midwest" is rather flexible, so feel free to join even if you think you may be uncertain. Generally, we consider Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin to be within the Midwest. One could also argue parts of Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky are part of the Midwest too.